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Quick wins- Manikandan Street


Manikandan Street/ Cemetery Road, Royapuram

Chennai Primary School & Chennai Higher Secondary School

The campus houses a Primary School (KG- Class V) and High School (Classes VI-X). The School offers both Tamil and English medium classes, however, more students are enrolled under Tamil medium.


Manikandan Street: Satellite image of campus and surrounding areas 


Details of Schools in Manikandan Street Campus


No. of Students

No. of Teachers

No. of Classrooms

No. of Toilets

CPS Cemetry Road





CHS Manikandan Street













The site plan for the main campus is as below:

Pictures from Manikandan Street Campus


CPS & CHS Cemetery Road (Manikandan Street) Division Division - 51, Zone - V

Interventions in brief:

i) Demolition of existing CPS Buildings

ii) Construction of Integrated academic Block (G+3) with 3 floors for CPS and 1 floor for CHS

iii) Provision of HM room with false roofing, pantry, waiting area, air conditioning and attached toilet

iv) Provision of 2 staff rooms with false roofing, pantry, waiting area, air conditioning and attached toilet (1 in annexe building and 2 in main building)

v) Facelift of existing toilets

vi) Addition of STEM Lab above existing Math Lab

vii) Integrated gate with recess, guard room, and attractive signage

viii) Development of volleyball court

ix) Overall look and feel of school including painting and maintenance work

x) Provision of Tress roofing in front of auditorium to create a multipurpose space for Auditorium, indoor games and dining


To view the full proposed interventions