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ChettiyarAgaram Main Road Pond

ChettiyarAgaram Main Road Pond

ChettiyarAgaram Main Road Pond is a local pond situated near ChettiyarAgaram School Water is half filled and blackish in colour. There is an inlet and no outlet. Garbage dumping was happening before the pond was taken over for the restoration process.  The sub surface formation is favourable for ground water recharge and the road runoff water enters the pond during rainy season.  The pond is not connected to any upstream or downstream water sources. Storm water drain network is available in nearby area which, if connected, will serve as an inlet. The present water spread serves as catchment area. Pond gets its storage only through monsoon rains.  Benefits from the implementation of this project include improvement of water quality by providing constructed wetland and aquatic floating island. Due to de-silting water will be made available throughout the year and hence, fish culture will be developed. With proper counseling and guidance, the localResidents Welfare Association will take care of the pond and hence, water body will be protected.  The pond has been restored under the Chennai Smart City project funds.

Area, Zone, Division

AREA: 1.8acres(approx.) Sq.mtrs  ZONE: 11    DIVISION: 150


The pond is located at North Latitude 13 2 55.74  N and East Longitude 80 08 44.12 E. ChettiyarAgaram, Chennai Tamil Nadu 600077