Dear CSR Organisations and NGOs
Greater Chennai Corporation is accelerating sustainable development of Chennai, focusing on greenification and beautification of the City.
We foresee beautiful artwork and paintings on bridges, pillars, and walls around the City. Unutilized spaces around the City will be converted into beautiful sustainable green spaces, parks, landscapes and urban forests.
This mass greening and beautification of the Greater Chennai Corporation can be a success with your partnership and funding.
Check for Available Projects Below
Restoring, Rejuvenating and Maintaining all the Water Bodies of Chennai Including Storm Water Drains
Creating Urban Forest, Plants in Median, Vertical Gardens, Parks, Nutri-gardens
Let the cleanliness prevail
Solid Waste Management, Toilets, Health Awareness Activities, Sanitation & Hygiene Infrastructure
For the happiness around you
Plaza - Children Play Area, Gyms, Walking Pathway, Open Theatre, Fountains and Lawns in Roundabouts with Statues